I need to post something today so that the unpleasant post below will no longer be at the top of the page. Unpleasant, yes... but it had to be said, in my opinion. Anyway, I don't really have much to say except that I am pretty dang tired today, because Charlie has decided that sleeping when it is dark outside is for wimps and, oh, no, we can't have THAT! Blessed will be theday that this child learns to put himself back to sleep when he wakes up at 1:30, 3:00, 4:00, and 5:45. He isn't even eating at any of those times. He would just prefer that I gently rock him back to sleep while muttering curse words and promises of getting my tubes tied. So anyway, I'm pretty tired and am currently operating on about four hours of very broken up sleep and two whole pots of coffee. But I have pictures from the last week or so. Sometimes I have to look at the pictures in my camera to remind myself what it is that we DO from day to day, because my days are a haze of coffee, walzting Charlie's rear end around the house for naptime since naps are apparently for wimps, too, and trying to fit in some quality time with Ella. The day seems to be over before it even really begins, which is not necessarily a bad things on some days.

Oh....I LOVE Ella's hair! :) And, look at Charlie's cheeks! LOVE IT! Sorry, I really hope his sleeping gets better. You KNOW I understand! whew...it will get better. It might not happen right away, but it will...I promise you that!
I love Ella's hair!!!!!!!
Thanks! I got tired of it being in her face all the time, and she wouldn't leave it up in a ponytail when we were out in public. So, I chopped it off! It's so much easier when it's short.
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