Friday, March 13, 2009

Bipolar Weather, or A Sign Of The Apocalypse. Whatever.

I am not sure why it always simultaneously surprises and pisses me off when our weather does the same old crap in March. Every single year. One day it's sunny and eighty degrees and we're all hey! this is wonderful and we're going to run around outside with no shoes on and blow bubbles and have picnics and hug a tree. And then BAM, it's freaking snowing and sleeting. And THEN we're all, well dammit. Now what? I'll tell you what: One bitterly annoyed three year old who is forced to stay inside and gaze longingly and dramatically out the window, sighing and saying things like, "I wish that God would put the sun out today." And one mommy who is going stir crazy even though it has only been three days that we've been stuck inside. And Charlie...doesn't really care very much, I guess. I'm pretty sure that the only person who is enjoying this horribly dreary and freezing weather is my mother-in-law who is a teacher and got out of going to school Friday. Because this is the South, and we like to close schools if it rains and drops below 40 degrees at the same time.

We went from this:


To being stuck inside with all of this:


And this:


And this:


And good God, THIS, because I am only human and there are only so many hours that I can handle pretending that Sleeping Beauty Barbie and the aptly named Bathing Suit Barbie are best friends and are going to slide down the slide that is actually the arm of the chair and OMGBZZZ I think I actually hear my brain cells dying off, one by one.


Even Stu is getting in on the laying around action.


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