Nightmare Photo Session aka Trying To Get A 3 Year Old & An Infant To Just Cooperate, Dammit.
Someone got the bright idea to try and take pictures of both kids this morning. In my mind, this worked out beautifully and I got lots of heartwarming pictures of the doting big sister and the handsome little brother. What actually happened involved crying, yelling, throwing things...and the kids were worse. Turns out? Just because a three year old is in a good mood the moment you decide to take pictures of her does not mean that 4 minutes later isn't an excellent time to throw a world-record tantrum because she didn't want Charlie touching her or her dress. Explaining that he is a baby, for God's sake, and he doesn't realize he is touching you did no good. Anyway, there were a couple of okay-ish pictures from the batch. I'll be trying this again in, oh, say, 2 years.
So cute Abby! His cheeks are adorable and I love the feet picture. It looks like you're doing better, I hope so. I'll continue to pray for you guys.
He is so freakin' cute! I've only attempted pictures together once but it did not go well!!! I am supposed to do them again at a studio soon.
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